Category: Crew Updates

2022 Round Up

Right at the back of the unprecedented challenge of COVID 19, 2022 has turned up to be one of the busiest years ever, as the New Year approaches, we take a look at some of the crazy stuff London Crew Co have been involved in 2022… Jan- 2022 The Abba Experience at the Pudding Mill […]


After the toughest year ever in music industry history, London Crew Co are still standing and CURRENTLY RECRUITING. If you want to work for a dynamic and trusted crewing company and think you have what it takes.. GET IN TOUCH

The Show will RESTART!!!

We’ve been keeping ourselves busy over these testing times and want to reassure our clients: WE WILL BE THERE FOR YOU


Beyond Brexit. 2020 has been and almost gone, these have been challenging times indeed but we are looking forward to bigger and better things!! If the pandemic wasn’t enough, our industry has BREXIT to look forward to!! London Crew Co. is gearing up to become an approved employer sponsor for the diverse, international, talented and […]

London Event Crew

Not long to now! Wrapping up what has proven to be one of the busiest and most challenging summers of the last decade for our London event crew, with multiple overlapping huge Live Music Productions in all of the biggest Sports & Music Venues in the UK. Bon Jovi, BTS, The Spice Girls, Fleetwood Mc, […]

Busy summer ahead

Stage hands unloading trucks in Wembley Stadium

Very excited and relishing the challenges, as one of the busiest seasons of the last 10 years is about to kick off! Our experienced event crew in London made of scaffolders, steel hands and stage crew will be building incredible structures and our stage hands, forklift drivers and plant operators will be rigging some cutting […]